just a little sunday song
Thought dancing a little dance in my kitchen. Or perhaps it's shifting to a kitchen party?
I have, after all, no festive food to offer, only strawberry tea.
And how fun is that on a scale?
But we could have a big bonfire with strawberry tea, it would be super good and very innovative.
But then, it has been released for a tea party, and that was not exactly what I wanted...
So how do we solve this? I just wanted to dance. And now my chair decided to do stupid stuff with my back stuff, so I have to say it; Charlie it really hurts. And I'll not be able to dance in my kitchen, sucks.
Anyways, I should stop feeling sorry for myself!
Hope you healthy and strong people get to dance tonight. xx
how to train your dragon

Well, it seems that dragons still exist!
Hide the kids, and avoid going out after 10:00 PM until we have received the dragons under control.
this is as funny as it gets while cleaning rooms

is this the real life? is this just fantasy?
Just about to fall in love... Would you marry me?
drop dead gorgeous vol 1

Glider runt, hänger runt, kollar bilder och pluggar mathématiques. -Life on a stick ♦♦♦♦
tired, tired oh so tired

let it snow on your skin

Stockings in my ♥
this is how we do it

straight into the flames
Så otroligt fin video + en grym låt, det är fett
oh yeah

typography baby

can you handle my chopstick or whaaat?

Sådärja, då har vi varit och supportat japanerna runt hörnet.
baby, were born for fun. or maybe to sleep in the sun
hernández cornet

SFW next week
hot hot hot

Snygg - snyggare - snyggast eller vad?!?
wall art perfection

Helt underbara
where'd you go

Shit, har nästan glömt snigeln som jag och Isa blev bff's med för ett jävligt bra tag sen.
Han såg ut som en Nigel, så det fick han heta. Saknar honom ♥ haha
i'm drunk and i'm tired
a new playlist will arrive about twenty-four hours

ridiculously in love with the pictures

Grymt fina, trots att jag känner mig fånig som lägger upp dem
savage skulls & douster feat. robyn - bad gal
Alla behöver vi behöver lite pepp såhär en onsdag

Me wants it. Me needs it
that's the spirit
En kär vän till mig är med i videon, det är galet fett

we ♥ it
inspiration inspiration...
brand new

Vi håller på med designen just nu, snart klara! Hang in there!